my playerse are:
snowmaster, kerstin, heiner, staubsauger, gerald, yorik, holger, hans, herwig, JR, hoeness, tom, poo, betzi, enouli, bruder luzifer, mr ping, larc, rike
Hi folks, you made the right decision!
I am in it for the fun!
  Tell me your name:
  ...and your email:
  if you have certain coordinates
(not necessary):
Tell me what I should do or where I should go or tell me anything at all:

Hi folks,
here we are now. this is a rather stupid picture, but it is not my fault. Well, from now on I will keep you informed here in my area and provide you with the latest pictures of my fun-experiences in LV. The next photos will be more interesting...

check regulary!


not much fun today. I am sorry, but things are sometimes a little complicated. But tomorow will be a good day. lots (slots) of fun is waiting. Trust me, I won´t let you down.

Hi folks, no comment on the 7th. I was just stressed out. But it is getting better. I know my score is pathetic but I am working on it.
here I am with charlotte at the "Venetian". she didn´t like it much, so we left. So much for gambling today. But we´re out for a nice walk. that was fun. Tomorrow we´ll get up at 5 AM and take some pictures. Sounds not really like fun, but I am looking forward to it.

Ok, a few mails I received:

herwig wrote:
win babii-win.waitin for the cashh!$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Alright honey, I go for it!

name "hoeness" email "" coordinates "" comment "please go to M/N-7 the circus circus and than enter the LAZER BLASTER that should be really fun."I didn´t make it to circuscircus yet. But I will in the next days...

user send this mail (at 08.11.1999 06:31:08)! name "JR" email "" coordinates "" comment "Mr.Sann: go to ZA5 ,the pyramide, enter the place, go exactly to the middle of the atrium, stand there and look up,then ask for the elevator,which is going to the highest floors,take it and go up and down several times(enjoy the flying speed), at the last time going up exit at the highest point(358 feet!)walk around and find a place to look down to where you stood before.Isn`t this a geiles feeling??? If you don`t have enough go to the Imax-theatre.... and please don`t forget to say hello to Nofretete....I have been there and it really is fun. Looking up is really awesome, but the security guys wouldn´t let me use the elevator, since I was just visiting the hotel. Or maybe I was looking like a bum... Anyway, folks thanks for your support. You will hear fom me soon. Oh, by the way to jaws_, I said hello to the good old lady...


Hi guys,
getting up early is it! Sounds pretty hilarious but it is true! To go when others leave, to sleep when the others work and to be up when others go to bed. It seems to be the only way to cope with this city! So I decided to turn things upsidedown. If LV turns day to night and vice versa, I can do the same. I`m getting up at 3 PM tomorrow and have a walk on the "strip". Tell you more when I am back...

here you can see LV 6 o´clock in the morning at the "venetian" doesn´t it just look like the original?

Folks getting up early is a drag! It was really good fun, but Iam very tired. To me nothing extraordinary happened, so tell you more tomorrow.

some mails I received:

name "bruder luzifer" email "" coordinates "666" comment "allright, pussy, so you're looking for fun, i prob...let's's about the skys in vegas, the most beautiful skys in the world...little fluffy pink, purple, yellow and green...but, oh schrque, there's one missing! so you must go to a certain place in the desert, i'll find out which, and get the fucking magenta "outta'da hole" and reput it into the sky,'ve got a couple of days left...are you ready? I suppose so. Looking forward to the mails to come.

name "Hans Meindorfner" email "" coordinates "" comment "Oliver you are still trailing by 3 points and this is not acceptable. In order to get you some money points you should check with the locals and see where they are gambling since I heard that there is a law that some of the casinos frequented mostly by locals must give better odds then the biggies where all the tourists are losing their money. At least give it a try since otherwise I have no idea how you can ever make-up that f...... point difference to the girls ???" Thats a good one. I really appreciate it! I will follow that to you soon.

Man, again what a picture!Me rubbing my chin in the car. That gives you at least a pretty good idea what stupid kind of daily habits I got used to in LV.

Hi fellows,
What a day! got up at 4 o´clock. Took a walk on the strip, drove to hoover dam, then back to the city and took pictures on the strip again till midnight. I am pretty drained. You can tell.

name "bruder luzifer" email "" coordinates "" comment "rrright, boy...i got the point with your by the way, have i mentioned that my game includes i hope you're tolerant...go on strip666, friday, 23:30pm and wear your high heels properly...i'll drive by in my black jag, doing like i wasasking you for a blow job, or so and yu pretend to join me and enter me car...see you"

I´ll be there honey! If you´re not showing´re off the list. So you better get the ticket now!

Hi guys,

name "bruder luzifer" email "" coordinates "666" comment "

ok, fault...i've got problems with my car..(i heard you call it "having a platten"), don't you put me off the list for that...i'd like to get to know your she a beauty?...does she smoke?...on saturdaynight there's a party going on at a club called "the sad groover"...i want you to're already on the list...all you need to do is finding out, where it is...risk it...and have the fun of your far, 666 (please teenage)"
I start to think you are a phony of some really kinky kind. But what the f... I try to go there. If only your email adress wouldn`t end with .de I wouldn`t be so supicious. Hope to see you soon...

Another mail in which

I am getting told off:name "Hans Meindorfner" email "" coordinates "" comment "Hi Player !

What the f... is going on with you. I am considering coming this weekend alreayd to show you some fun, since your score is indeed pathetic. Wait till you come back to L.A.and I will have to kick some butt !!! Maybe we have to do it the men's way once I am joining you guys in LV, whether you like it or not. If not I see no other alternative, but, just to get completely drunk and totally out of control. In order to get you some fun-points, please go the Mandalay Bay by yourself, use the card I gave you and go to the Spa for some real relaxation - definetely without your "anhaengsel". Will cost you about 20 bucks and I will give it back to you once we see each other. Just relax over there and get some fricking points since otherwise you are indeed sleeping in the back house here in LA, if at all !!"


uhoh, I think I better compose myself in this game. I will try harder, I promise. Maybe I have taken things for granted, I mean the the fun for granted. Things will improve. I do assure you that I am not into self-flagelation or anything like it and that I really want to have fun! So once again: Trust me!

this is me with charlotte and...

these are the "tired ones". Talk to you soon.


name "bruder luzifer" email "" coordinates "666" comment "

oh boy...don't you worry about me .de...ever heard of mobile phones, damn me i'm a doctor and you're the way, did you know that in its modern phase the discourse on madness takes the form of dublicity, of a doubling-effect, in which madness is defined with both normality AND genius, is at once brought back into the world in the form of the patient AND further alienated from it in the form of the mad poet...YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM, BUT I CAN SEE YOU FOR MILES AND MILES AND MILES...sssee ya t-t-tonight at the sad groover....sincerly your devine the way, there's something wrong with you page...i cannot read me in your diary...fix it or you'll be fixed by siegfried's bombastic megapenis (or by one of his animals')"

hi there,
I really wonder what it is that guys, not using their real name,all the time want to talk about "megapenisses"...there must be something. Brother Luzi, if I may call you that way, please don`t forget about the goal of this game, which is to make me win and not to endlessly talk about your kinks. So I ask you to give me good hints in order to evaluate my admittedly poor score. Think about it. I appreciate it.


we have taken the weekend off. We just couldn`t stand the fun anymore. But now, monday morning I am back to the fun.

name "bruder luzifer" email "" coordinates "1300977" comment "come down! it was never my intention just to play a game...i didn't dig the rules anyway, but aren't you a natural born winner anyway, ( brown-noser! ) darling...for the first time it should be fun enough for you to receive me mails...( selfcomplacency never fails, hunh?)anyway i was told that you love to be cheated...( who the heck told you that?)by the way have you recognized the car following you since three days...( Oh yes, I have , mr. paranoide )and where the catholic trauma( meanig have you been last night...not at the sad groover at all for sure...( Haha, you bet I was)anyway, lacan is a builder of loosey moored conceptual mobiles in response to which the question "what does it mean?" is better asked of a given term in the form "what does it do?" or "WHAT PATHS DOES IT TRAVEL?""( Alright, Herr parttime philosopher, indeed, meant to or not, I feel flattered and I am still waiting for some advice and tips for this city, armageddon has to wait till later.)

user send this mail (at 16.11.1999 05:52:53)! name "heiner (jrg" email "" coordinates "" comment "hallo mein freund endlich fange ich auch das schreiben an. damit du viele punkte bekommst. also was kannst du fr mich erleben? wie wre es wenn du mal ein paar dollar fr uns/dich im casino setzt. was noch ganz lustig und mit sicherheit viele funpunkte gibt ist suche dir einen salon aus wo man einen cowboyhur und stiefel tragen muss und tanz einen texas-2-step ich sage dir das macht spass. du musst aber auch mindestens eins od. mehrere budweiser trinken, dann ist der spass nach viel grsser. ber ein bild wrde ich mich freuen. liebe grsse bis bald heiner(jrg)" ( please write in english, so that all my customers can participate in your advice to me. Anyway I will buy this hat and have a couple of beeer in some rookie-place. But no texas-2step or any squaredancing!!


Hi guys,
yes I am still getting up early (about 4 o clock) and yes, I am still walking the strip up and down. If not for the fun than for mere surviving.

name "Yorick" email "" coordinates ""
comment "get you some funky hippy-style clothing at the retro vintage clothing 906 S. Valley View Blvd. " Despite the fact that I really don´t dig on hippie-stuff, I will try to get these things!

name "Yorick" email "" coordinates "" comment "At 4215 Spring Mountain Road is the Ranch99 Market -- get some seafood like soft-shell crabs, oysters, shrimps or even frog legs and prepare a nice dinner for your friends -- cooking is relaxing :-) "You are too right! Good advice! This country doesn`t necessarily pamper you with good food. Unfortunately we had lots of awful burgers, fries etc. It is hard to get some nutricious dish. So your wish is my command!

name "Yorick" email "" coordinates "" comment "December 2, 1999 through December 11, 1999 is the "NFR Cowboy Christmas Gift Show" at the "Las Vegas Convention Center" -- Greetings Yo!"( well there is nothing more to say!)

name "Rike" email "" coordinates "Z17" comment "
dear oliver ! I think you are doing very well without too many fun-points ! Getting up when others sleep, turning LV upsidedown and occasional relaxation-trips to pools and uncharted sites.. that sure sounds like a good approach. One way to quickly raise your points though could be to open the secret niche of intellectual fun, which all of your friendly opponents seem to be quite deprived of (except for Charlotte) (I hear you!).. and also for surprise points : apply some marxism ( dangerous idea in the country of MCarthy!) try any of the following : Go to the Liberace Museum, visit the bedroom, tell people there that as a character in a game you would like to ask them about the difference between private property and paradise (difference between hell and heaven?) ( Explain everything in a friendly and patient manner while playing with Charlotte ( good one); both of you wearing your character- colour-outfits ( is that really necessary?) . Maybe tell them that they can even help you make money-points if theyd speak about their personal view of Mehrwertproduktion / production of surplus-value. Record the conversations / Take picture(s). Let Charlotte be your guide. Shared fun is doubled fun ! Ok, I am on my way to the museum, might take a couple of days, but check regulary!

name "enouli" email "" coordinates "" comment "hi oli! sounds like you are quite busy in las vegas.( you bet!)is everything going fine? you should give charlotte some french fries ( I don´t know...), mia really loved them! maybe you should check out the courthouse and get a marriage license for you and beate. it is really fun to stand there in line, lots of weird people. in case you didnt already marry... (nope)a nice thing for dinner is waiters on wheels! check them out!for a nice marriage dinner. did you go to the stratosphere tower already as we told you? ( see the score) the view must be quite something but riding the coaster must be the ultimative "nervetickler"... you look like a brave one, dont you?( puuh, I am not so shure, rides really bug me, feeling quickly nauseous...)waiting for some feedback, ennouli, please say hello to everyone!( thanks guys, I will) Ok, between marxism and fordism is a little gap, I wonder if I can make it there. talk to you tomorrow. We had some problems lately: We had to take another apartment and otto set that new apartment on fire! So we are recovering and step by step getting back to the fun thing!On top of Las Vegas ! Or Las Vegas on our tops?


name "mr ping" email "" coordinates "" comment "hi oliver! whats about local sound in L.V. some interesting clubs with interesting bands or electronic music? " Well, if you dig on Sinatra, Presley, Tina Turner, Barbara Streisand, Betty Midler, Elton John or Rod Stewart this is just the place to be! But tickets for Barbara Streisand for example come from 500 to 2500 $, which I wouldn´t spend even if I really would rave about her. So any local, so called "independent scene" I haven´t found yet. We´ll see about it.

But guess what! Charlotte, Klaus and I met Harrison Ford and Elisabeth Taylor the other day! It really was fun. On this picture Klaus and Harrison are posing for the camera, when Elisabeth asked me, wether I could help her out with some change for the ladies restroom. Later that day we got stuck in traffic jam on the way to Liberace museum and had to doubleback and returned to our screwed appartment. Today we got up at 3 AM again and went to the strip, scrutinizing its architecture. I almost feel like <this> Alright for now, talk to you soon.


Well this is my birthday. The other funomanias took me for breakfast to this infamous diner. Heartattack on a plate! Greasy spoon or so...

This is me smoking a cigarette in order to relief the pain, breakfast has given to me. "p" stands for "puke"!

heiko:Liebster Olli, alles Liebe zum Gebutstag und einen dicken Schmatzer von uns allen. Uns alle bedeutet, da Heiko, Martin und Bettina gerade vor dem Rechner sitzen und Dir heute Nacht auch im Namen von Titus, Tillman, Claudia, Christine, Gabi und Rosa schreiben und natrlich ganz fest an Dich denken! Selbstverstndlich haben wir uns auch eine kleine berraschung fr Dich ausgedacht. Du sollst (am liebsten am Tag deiner Geburt +31 Jahren ) zu einem der beiden Anbieter fahren, die wir Dir vorschlagen und dort auf unsere Kosten eine dieser Hllenmaschienen besteigen (allein!). Sundance Helicopters Mc Carran Int. Airport 6696 Waven Street Tel.: 702-736-0606 800-653-1881 City Lights Tour oder Vorbestellen nicht vergessen! Maverick Helicopter Tour Tel.:702-261-0007 1888-261-4414 Tour Maverick Lights (Nachtflug) I did it!!!!!!!!Yeessss!! I think I buy a nice chopper and start buisness here: " ollis Las vegas helicopter, guided tours in german"!

this is me boarding the helicopter!

christin: thank you very much, christin!

name "max" email "" coordinates "T5 (Ceasar`S Palace) Ok, we moved there (see the score) & "lady luck"" comment "Servus Oliver, scharfe Brille, whow. so dann schwing Dich aml aus der Koje- Dein erster Hafen soll das antike Rom sein. Fuck Kitsch. O.K ring Dir ein Lcheln ab. Auf der Karte hab ich noch einen vielleicht interessanten Punkt gesehen: Auf der KArte zeimlich weit "oben", versteckt sich hinter "lady luck" und heit: Casino Lucky Roll. rinnerst Du dich an das erste mail von mir: Die Geschivchte mit der Glbirne?! Ja, ja. Aufgabe: Von heute an schraubst Du bei jedem Gang durch die Stadt eine Glhbirne ab, nicht im Hinterhof--nein--vorne am Set. Falls Du Unbekannt bleiben willst, schlpfe in ein Ponykostm. Die Glbirnen mssen nicht unbedingt von den zwei Casions/Orten sein , zu denen ich Dich hinschicke. Viel erfolg und Spa, Du bsit die nummer eins, bis bald max." Couldn´t get a cuty horsy - fancydress but try to get the bulbs.

name "max" email "m.erbacher" coordinates "T5-and lady luck(Casino Lucky Roll)" comment "Servus Oli, its me once again. I am sorry for not writing in English. Is there a possibility to translate it for me? O.k I see-you are on the run, its early in the morning and the game turns to its final. ( man, you are so right!) Good fun could also be, next to the job you have to do, to have a speach inside a Casino or a short report for a newspaper with following topic: How comes the water to the desert? (Could be to serious) ( see hoover dam on the map) Well, collect at every day, during your walks at night, one bulp from this shiny palaces, name them with a short information about the time you switched it off, koordinates, location, position/area of the lamp. Put them safely into a paperbox and bring them to Cologne. Dont choose the backyard of the casino-be on the set. If you are afraid camoflage you with a full-body ponycostume. Good luck, see ya max." ( what is it all about this "ponykostume?)



name "maximilian" email "" coordinates "" comment "Hi Oliver, Whats up? Are already oraganizing your trip back to home?( nope) The last up date of your game leads to the conclusion that you are out in the desert enjoying the silence and colourplay of the atmosphere far from the mass of Vegas either, or you cant get out of your last task. ( To be honest all of us were indulging in luxurious surroundings and loads of champagne) If there should be no response for my task "collecting a bulp from the set every day", I wish you all the best as a TOURIST FUN MANAGER 2000. see ya max. Thanks pal, we´ll talk about that. Wanna make any reservations for early next year?

Alright people, nothing is over here! I still want to win as much as all the other fun-o-freaks! So stick with me and we will see who will be the one to gamble with the 100$!

to Klaus: very funny! Obviously you discovered photoshop!, hunh? Well here is reality! Half the man

I used to be. Talk to you soon.


name "serious" email "" coordinates "667" comment "luzifer is dead! but do you really believe that you met harrison f.? what if somebody just cheated you and put you next to a payed double to make you feel more important...what if...remember the guy who flew the 'copter...aha...remember what he said to you...aha...don't believe in me!" Beate has won. well, there is hardly anything else to say, than thank you folks for your support and trust in me! I hope you had some fun with this. So long and keep in touch. oliver